Becky Ames

Vice President – Strategic Alliances

Former Mayor Becky Ames brings 27 years of public sector experience including 14 years as Mayor of Beaumont Texas as the city’s Chief Elected Official and 13 years as a Beaumont Councilmember serving the entire city. During her tenure, Mayor Ames has shepherded numerous successful projects and program initiatives which have enhanced economic development and advanced the quality of life for Beaumont citizens. Mayor Ames also has experience in the private sector for the past 30+ years while continuing to serve in the public sector. Before joining GMJ in February of 2020, Becky held executive leadership roles in the hospitality industry, licensed assisted living industry and a CEO in hospital administration. Her most significant contributions as Mayor and as an industry leader were overseeing the city as the Emergency Management Director through multiple natural disasters spanning over a 14-year period including, hurricanes, tropical storms, rain and freeze events and lastly the Covid-19 pandemic.

becky ames team photo
  • Elected Mayor, City of Beaumont Texas, 2007-2021
  • Emergency Management Director, Beaumont Texas, 2007-2021
  • Elected City Councilmember at Large, City of Beaumont Texas, 1994-2007
  • Appointed by Governor Greg Abbot to the Credit Union Commission. December 2023 – present
  • Appointed by Governor Greg Abbott to the Task Force on Disaster Issues Affecting Persons who are Elderly and with Disabilities, 2020 – present
  • Board Member, 100 Club of Southeast Texas, 2020 – present
  • The ARC of Greater Beaumont, Excellence in Community Collaboration, 2011
  • Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce, Athena Award, 2011
  • Vietnam Veterans of America, Texas State Council Legislator of the Year, 2012
  • Sales & Marketing Executives of Southeast Texas, Executive of the Year, 2018
  • Americans for the Arts & US Conference of Mayors National Award for Local Arts Leadership, 2020
  • Baptist Hospitals of SETX Foundation Board

Becky held dual careers in both the private and public sectors over an almost 30-year period providing insight from both ends of the spectrum which has proved to be invaluable to GMJ clients.

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